
Showing posts from May, 2023

Few, A Few, The Few, Very Few, Very Little

  Good morning, dear friends! Today, I want to share some thoughts with you about the importance of time in our lives. Time is the most valuable resource we have, yet it's also the most limited. We only have a certain amount of time in a day, week, month, or year. It's up to us to make the most of it. We all have a limited amount of time on this earth, and it's up to us to use it wisely. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget about the bigger picture, but it's important to remember that time is a precious commodity that should be valued and respected. When we think about the concept of "few," we realize that there are only a few things in life that truly matter. These might include our relationships with loved ones, our health, and our passions and interests. It's important to focus on these few things and prioritize them above all else. On the other hand, when we think about "a few," we realize that even small actions can h

Taking Control of Your Life: Who's Scheduling Your Time?

Taking Control of Your Life:  Who's Scheduling Your Time?   Do you feel like your life is being controlled by external pressures and obligations? Perhaps it's your job, family expectations, or societal norms that are dictating your every move. But here's the thing: you don't have to succumb to these pressures. You can take control of your life and live it on your own terms. Firstly, it's important to identify what is causing you to feel like your life is not your own. Is it your job that is draining your energy and leaving you with no time for your own pursuits? Or is it the pressure to conform to certain societal expectations that is limiting your choices? Once you have identified the root cause, you can start taking steps to overcome it. One way to take control of your life is to set clear boundaries. Learn to say "no" to obligations and commitments that do not align with your goals and values. This may mean letting go of relationships or activities th

Queen Gorgo: The Power of Women in History and Society

Queen Gorgo: The Power of Spartan Women in History and Society In the movie 300, Queen Gorgo delivered a powerful line that encapsulates the spirit of Spartan women. She said, "Do not be coy or stupid, Persian. You can afford neither in Sparta! Because only Spartan women give birth to real men!" This statement is not only a retort to the Persian messenger's disrespect towards women, but it is also a testament to the role of Spartan women in society. In ancient Greece, Spartan women were renowned for their strength, courage, and intelligence. They were not confined to the home or expected to be demure and submissive. Instead, they were trained in physical fitness, military strategy, and public speaking. This education gave them the ability to hold their own in a society dominated by men. The education and training of Spartan women had a significant impact on Spartan society as a whole. Spartan women were considered the mothers of the Spartan state, responsible for raising

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Why Being Smart is Better Than Being Straightforward It's a common saying that actions speak louder than words. This is because words can be deceptive and unreliable, but actions are concrete and reveal our true intentions. Similarly, feelings may be genuine, but they don't always have value in the real world. It's important to remember that in life, it's not what you say or feel that counts, but what you do. Unfortunately, there are people out there who will take advantage of those who are too straightforward or too trusting. These people may use your words against you, manipulate you, or even bully you. That's why it's important to be smart and strategic in how you communicate and interact with others. Being smart doesn't mean being manipulative or dishonest. It means being aware of the consequences of your actions and choosing the best course of action based on your goals and values. It also means being able to read people

Do Not Worry What People Will Say

  Do Not Worry What People Will Say Worrying about what other people will say or think of us is natural. We all have this fear of being judged and criticized by others. However, if you let this fear control your life, you'll never be able to achieve your dreams and goals. Have you ever stopped to think about who those people really are? Were they there for you when you were hungry, alone, cashless, or helpless? Were they there for you when you were asking for a job? The truth is, the people who matter in your life are the ones who are there for you during your most challenging times. So, do not worry about what people will say. Instead, find your boldness hidden within you. Fuel every cell in your body with courage and determination. You have the power within you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Today is your day to shine. Today is the day you become the winner. So, go out there and chase your dreams with all your heart. Believe in yourself, and do not let anyone bring

Activity Debate: 1 May: should students be required to wear uniforms to school

 Here are 10 points for both supporters and opponents of requiring students to wear uniforms in school: Supporters: Uniforms can help create a sense of unity and equality among students, regardless of socioeconomic background. They can also promote a more focused learning environment by removing the distraction of fashionable clothing. Uniforms can reduce bullying and teasing based on clothing choices. They can also help students prepare for professional settings by teaching them how to dress appropriately. Uniforms can make it easier for teachers and staff to identify students and maintain order. They can be cost-effective for families, as students can wear the same uniform throughout the year and from year to year. Uniforms can help reduce peer pressure to wear expensive or trendy clothing. They can help reduce clothing-related stress and anxiety for students. Wearing uniforms can instil a sense of discipline and respect for rules. They can help foster school spirit and pride. Oppone

ENNglish Activity-113- Understand English with Visualization

Visualize the setting: Try to imagine the African savanna where this story takes place. Picture the tall grass, the trees, and the blue sky. Create mental images of the characters: Think of how the mouse and lion look in your mind. Picture their fur, their eyes, and their movements. Use your senses: Try to imagine how the mouse felt when it was crawling over the lion's paw. How did the thorn feel when it was being removed? What did the stick sound like when it broke? Imagine the emotions: Picture the fear and timidity of the mouse, and the strength and power of the lion. Imagine how grateful the mouse must have felt when the lion saved its life. Get into the story: As you read through the story, try to imagine yourself as one of the characters. Imagine how you would react in each situation and what you would do next. This will help you to fully immerse yourself in the story and enjoy it even more. here are the answers with a brief description of the grammar concept each blank r

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